Some belated updates!
Baffling Year One, which encapsulates the first four issues of the magazine I put out with Craig and Gabriella, got a starred review from Publishers Weekly! You can buy the book here or all the other usual plaes.
“There are no false notes in this strange and dazzling anthology of 26 queer, speculative stories, selected from the first year of Baffling Magazine—which is particularly impressive given the wide range of tone, subject matter, and subgenre.”
I have a recipe-based short story coming out in a few days from Hexagon. Keep your eyes peeled for that. Also we’re still shilling various queer goth nonsense over at the Neon Hemlock Threadless store. Please pick yourself up some sleeveless garb.
Myself and two co-editors (Don Duncan and Rhiannon Rasmussen) are hard at work on not one but two anthologies in this last quarter. You can pre-order both Opuluent Syntax and Luminescent Machinations here, not to mention other titles.
I’m still querying a novel (epic fantasy with tattoo magic and swamp witches) and a novella (Barker-esque secret societies and Byronic mysteries), while also working on a new novel project that I’m desperate to make more time for when the editorial irons are out of the fire! Soon.
Marianne and I presented a few categories for the Lammys this year from the comfort of my living room. If you are missing more of our co-hosting energy, you can also check our our monthly IG Live series. If you’re curious about Neon Hemlock in general, Lyndsie Manusos interviewed me at Book Riot back in June. We talk about Baffling, novellas, and more.